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De grote Michel de Nostredame wereldwijd bekend onder de naam  Nostradamus, de grootste profeet aller tijden!

 Ja, de man, wiens ongelooflijke nauwkeurigheid van de voorspellingen ons al eeuwenlang blijft verbazen!

Vandaag de dag plaatst geen enkel ernstig mens vraagtekens bij de juistheid van de voorspellingen van Nostradamus. Hoewel velen van hen nog niet al hun geheimen hebben onthuld. Maar de voorspellingen waarvan we de geheimen hebben ontdekt, hebben allen het onweerlegbare bewijs geleverd van de buitengewone visionaire Kracht van deze buitengewone man.

Heeft hij niet, eeuwen van tevoren, in zijn werk De Profetieën uit 1555, historische feiten voorspeld die daadwerkelijk hebben plaatsgevonden… Zoals de komst van de macht van Napoleon, de tweede wereldoorlog ontketend door een Duits dictator (Hitler), het dubbele zeven jaar durende leiderschap van een soeverein van de Orde van de Roos (F. Mitterrand), de Golfoorlog… En zelfs, meer recent, de aanslag van 11 september te New York en de opflakkering van religieus geweld in het Midden-Oosten...

Er zouden nog honderden andere voorbeelden kunnen zijn... Maar de kwatrijnen van Nostradamus beschrijven een verre toekomst met de mysterieuze woorden van een geïnitieerde van zijn tijd, vaak moeilijk nauwkeurig te interpreteren. En veel van zijn voorspellingen onthullen hun volle betekenis in het licht van de gebeurtenissen.

>>Nostradamus heeft zijn leven gewijd aan het helpen van anderen. Door de uitoefening van zijn medische roeping. Maar vooral door de onthulling aan de Mensen van de belangrijke feiten van hun toekomst voor de komende eeuwen.

 In het boek Nostradames voorspellingen  tot 2033 staat: dat er een virus wereldwijd miljoenen mensen dodelijk zal treffen en daarna een dictator een wereld  oorlog zal ontketen.  

Wereldleiders en wereldburgers wordt wakker voor dat het te laat is! Na twee duizend jaar van oorlog voeren is nu het einde nabij, of we stoppen met oorlog voeren en kiezen voor wereld vrede of een nucliaire derde wereld oorlog zal alles vernietigen!


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 The great Michel de Nostredame known worldwide under the name Nostradamus, the greatest prophet of all time! Yes, the man whose incredible accuracy of predictions has continued to amaze us for centuries!

 Did he not, centuries in advance, in his work The Prophecies of 1555, predict historical facts that actually took place... Such as the arrival of Napoleon's power, the Second World War unleashed by a German dictator (Hitler), the double seven-year leadership of a sovereign of the Order of the Rose (F. Mitterrand), the Gulf War... And even, more recently, the September 11 attack in New York and the flare-up of religious violence in the Middle East...

There could be hundreds of other examples... But the quatrains of Nostradamus describe a distant future with the mysterious words of an initiate of his time, often difficult to interpret accurately. And many of his predictions reveal their full meaning in light of events.

Nostradamus has dedicated his life to helping others. Through the exercise of his medical vocation. But especially through the revelation to the People of the important facts of their future for the coming centuries.


 I received this message from Mr. David Sanders!


 “They want to reduce the population of us “useless eaters” from 7.753 billion down to only 500 million!”

 Yup that’s right.

 I know it might sound a bit out there…

 But a brave woman named Jackie Jones discovered a classified document with instructions for humanity to rebuild itself after an apocalypse.

 And if the last couple of years haven't made you suspicious…


 See, Jacki discovered the reason why

 Adam lived to 930 years old

 Seth to the age of 912

 Methuselah for 969 years

 And Renzo 84, hopes to live long, but if we do not stop the crazy warlords now, we will all will be destroyed in a nuclear third world war!

 Most importantly, she discovered why humans nowadays can’t live that long anymore.

 A few powerful greedy “Elites” changed something called the Tree of Life…

 They don’t want us to live long lives filled with abundance and miracles.

 They did everything to keep us separated and stop us from manifesting our greatest dreams with ease and grace.

 They know that when we learn how to tap into the power of the TRUE Tree of Life…

 Abundance happens automatically and we can manifest whatever we want in life.

But they DON’T want that to happen or they lose control over us.

There is a LOT more to this.

FAR more than I can put into this message.

And the powerful truth my friend Jackie uncovered will absolutely blow your mind…


To Your Success,


P.S. Unfortunately, the evil “Elite” who altered the Tree of Life are incredibly powerful.

My friend Jackie keeps getting phone threats.

 So I have no idea how much longer she can keep her website running.

 CHECK IT OUT HERE before these evil jerks take it down.


David Sanderson

12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town, HK, Singapore,



Rockefeller Foundation predicted and published in 2010 own survival food on autopilot!

Op 13 jun. om 17:26
Get Food Freedom Affiliate <>

Fresh food on autopilot? Possible with THIS

In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published an “innocent” seeming document titled:

“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”

Since then, it’s been scrubbed from many parts of the Internet…

But if you can find a copy of it, flip to page 54.

There, a group of global elites outlined scenarios for what might happen over the next 20 years.

I’m not saying any of this is some kind of conspiracy, but the “coincidences” are at least enough to make you think.

You see, the 2010 Rockefeller paper begins by describing how “even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers” (pg. 18).

It continues, noting how leaders around the world “flexed their authority” and “imposed airtight rules and restrictions”:

From the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. (pg. 19).

Even leading some countries to develop a form of “biometric IDs for all citizens” (pg. 19).

Now as strange as this all seems, it could just be a well-meaning “scenario” of what could happen in a public health crisis.

But that’s when things get weird… 

On page 34 of the document, it notes how a “once-in-a-millennium” natural disaster (one blamed on climate change) would hit parts of China and “put enormous pressure on the already overstressed global economy…”

It explains how “massive humanitarian relief efforts” would simply run out of resources.

And then it makes the oddest “scenario” yet, noting how the U.S. would pull out of Afghanistan where, quote, “the resurgent Taliban seized power once again.”

When I read this, the hair on my neck stood up.

How could a 2010 document align so closely to events we see today… one after the other?

Empty shops… mandatory mask-wearing... Taliban control of Afghanistan…?

What were the odds of that?

I didn’t know.

But as I read the next few lines, the “coincidences” became even more unbelievable.

What followed were three specific “scenarios.”

See what these hair-raising “scenarios” were by clicking here:

>> A 2010 document predicts the greatest crisis of humanity





Nieuwe reacties

06.03 | 07:54

Het Horeca bedrijfs pand gevestigd in het dorp De Maten adres; Zanddijk 86 Postcode 9561VD Het is getaxeerd op 650 duizend Euro. Doe maar een bod.

17.01 | 17:07

driehoek internationaal wat is de vraagprijs zanddijk 86 de maten